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- 021: The Thing: 1% Better Everyday
021: The Thing: 1% Better Everyday
Howdy folks,
it's been a few months now since I came back to Asia. Now that I'm back to living and spending time in Bali I've had a chance to start creating, building and designing a life that I love to live every day.
it's been a while since I've had this much time and space to focus on myself but I have been enjoying figuring out what makes me, feel like the best me.
i've been thinking a bit this week about what I could share that might be helpful to someone else.
and this is where the idea about 'the thing' came about alongside the 1% better everyday idea.
so let's get into it, shall we?
enjoy me rambling? here's a video where i read this before our weekly live accountability session - chat starts at 6:50
What is the thing that you can do every day that brings you 1% closer to where you want to go in life?
do you know what your thing is?
what is that thing that is going to take you 1% closer to your life goals or dreams?
if you don’t know yet - that's okay, we'll talk a bit about how you can figure it out.
if you already have your thing.
then hopefully the following can give you some new ideas or a fresh enthusiasm for the idea around 1% everyday micro improvements.
so let's talk about the thing
there is a thing out there.
that if you did this consistently, it would move you 1% closer to where you would like to go
it doesn’t matter what your thing is
(and nobody can tell you what it is you should do or how you should do it)
but if done consistently, to the best of your abilities.
you believe that it can help improve your life
how to find your thing?
the thing is based on a desire or value you have in your life right now
these might change or evolve over time, so it is never a set thing
it is and can be anything and everything
but most importantly it’s your thing
you do for you and you do it in your own way
a desired value could be
health improvements, relationship building, family bonds, work progression or money goals etc
the thing for each of these would be different.
but the idea is that there is a thing that you could do.
every day that would bring you a little bit closer to your goals in an area
let’s choose money as an example
you would like £100 in your emergency fund
your thing that you do might be
i will put aside at least £1 every day
it might feel small or silly but the idea is to take yourself 1% closer
1% of £100 = £1
the idea is that it is something you can commit to on a consistent and long-term basis
there might be times when you can give more.
it’s your birthday 🥳 - happy birthday here's £20!
now you might decide to put £10 into your emergency fund.this is a nice bonus.
but the idea is to pace it in a way that you can do it every day
rather than try to do more than you can handle (now i have to put in £10 every day)
here's why all of this is important
if you value a £100 emergency fund
there's probably a reason why you want it or haven’t got it yet
maybe the number is just too high.
or you set up big intentions that were just too much to handle
i will just cut down expenses, I will not eat out for a month and put all the money into the emergency fund, I want £100,000 in my savings account.
whatever it is.
it probably hasn’t worked out the way you wanted it
it’s great to have a big dream or desired valuebut sometimes our attitudes towards our ambitions can bit too big, difficult or unrealistic
this can lead to the opposite of what we wanted
we just get bummed out if we didn't make any steps towards the thing
big dreams might bum you out
if every day you don’t move towards your dream
you might feel crappy about yourself and the situation
for example - you want to be a millionaire.
but you have no idea how to make that a reality
so you just play the lottery
but every time you don’t get that Powerball win
it disheartens you more and more
(what’s worse you can’t even control the outcome - difference between taking responsibility or not - but this is for another piece of writing)
but each day you, if you don't take a step towards your dream of being a millionaire
you start to lose sight or hope of your dream - and that's a bummer
why keeping it tiny helps
“In order to design successful habits and change your behaviors, you should do three things. Stop judging yourself. Take your aspirations and break them down into tiny behaviors. Embrace mistakes as discoveries and use them to move forward.”
instead let's try and build a clear, easy path towards it
and maybe that starts with £1 put into an emergency fund
Instead of putting money into the lottery
you commit to putting in £1 a side everyday
this way you start to build up a positive relationship with your current situation
and this can be a gradual incremental thing that grows over time.
you're no longer that person who is worried and struggling about having an emergency fund.
because you've got £100 in a separate savings
okay sure, when you start and after a week £7 might not be that impressive
but it’s not about the number
it’s about the feeling that it will give you
you will feel that you are a person that is taking steps to the thing you desire and value
and the more you do this and get that feeling.
the better you will feel about yourself - 1% every day.
you start to build a habit
you will start to feel more positive about your life
you might even start to think of ways you can help yourself even more
after 1 month of £1 every day, you’re feeling pretty confident and easy about this.
you decide to increase that to £2
and before you know it you will get yourself to that £100 mark
Then congratulations 🥳you made it happen just by committing to that 1% thing you do every day
what’s even better than £100?
now you’ve learned the feeling of what can happen whenever you commit to 1%
you will know for yourself that if I just do a little thing - every day
i can actually create positive changes in my life
you’ve got your £100 - do you want to go for £500?
or do you want to apply the same principle to another area of your life
i want to lose 5kg - walk 5000 steps daily
i want to write a book - write 100 words daily
i want to learn french - 1 minute of Duolingo
whatever the thing is and whatever you decide to do.
it doesn’t really matter
what matters is
you know what the thing is
you have a why you want that thing
you have how you can commit 1% you can do every day that moves you closer
example of around money
what = £100 emergency fund
why = Help with stress & fear around money
how = Save £1 every day
make it as small, silly and easily doable.
if you have a big fear or objection to the thing, you might want to make it even smaller than you are currently thinking.
like if the dream is to be a millionaire.
but if you don’t have savings or know where to start.
it might just be overwhelming and you wouldn’t even know where to start
it would be more helpful to just turn up and do the smallest 1% thing every day
just so you get used to the feeling
you start with an emergency fund, then a runway, then investments, then starting a side business, then read about sales for a month etc
here’s a super secret that not enough people talk about
sometimes, just sometimes
that thing that you’re dreaming of, is not actually the thing you really wanted
you wanted to be a millionaire
but when it came down to it - and you really asked yourself why
what you were really looking for was - it freedom, lifestyle, time, status, friends, life partner etc
if you commit to the journey, dig a bit deeper
maybe that thing that you want to feel - is a lot closer than you could imagine
and all you need to do is turn up
is just do the thing and move 1% closer every day
sometimes you'll learn more in the process of doing than you ever would just by dreaming
If you never get started you will never figure it out
have you figured out your thing?
no idea where to start?
let's end on some clear steps to help you think things through
figure out what your thing is. (can choose an area you feel weakest at)
decide on a why. it should feel personal, authentic and true (helps motivate)
the how . make it tiny (helps keep you consistent)
good luck but i'll be wishing you all the best ❤️
if you are still stuck & need help
i love this stuff and i feel like there are 2 things i care enough about that i can talk about it until my face is blue
selling things online
designing a life that you love
i even came up with a 1-liner that sums up what i care about
"i help people sell online, so that they can design lives they love to live"
― Matt Lok, the thing i do and share every day
so i'm putting all my energy, time & resources into figuring out how to do these things
so far when it comes to lifestyle design
i have
FREE Start Designing Life Discord community. This is where you can be around other people who are committing to designing lives they love living. 1% daily. we have daily tasks, weekly challenges, and long-term quests. it's all designed around the idea of designing a life you love & having some support and accountability along the way so far we have 140 members
FREE Weekly Live Accountability.Every Monday i jump on a live stream. i do a little chat (pretty much the 1st draft of this newsletter). then we do a 35min pomodoro together. this is just a short bit of focus time where you can get 'your thing' in at the start of the week. it's pretty chill so grab a cuppa tea, there's music in the background & we can do a bit of collective accountability
this week i'm building
3. FREE Life Design Quiz/Assessment Scorecard

example image (still WIP)
this will help you identify where your strengths & weaknesses are.
the idea is that you'll be able to answer a series of questions and at the end you will get your own custom report with an overview of your life
example. 3/10 in health but 10/10 in work. just having a score and reference will allow you to know where you can best focus your time and attention.
it's also a helpful bookmark for yourself to track your progress and journey
your life score in January 2024 was 54/100 but then you take it again in December 2024 and it is 72/100.
this is how you are able to clearly track and measure your own progress.
i'm really hoping this will be super useful for people
just have the small task of building it first lol (it's okay i've build a similar quiz for metalabs but for online sales potential scorecard)
but i'll start tomorrow and plan to livestream me building it for fun too
so if you are curious about building things online then feel free to check it out. i will stick it up on youtube but maybe some of the other socials too.
Why am I doing this?
this has been something that's been playing on my mind a lot.
what's the point of me sharing all of this stuff or doing things for free
i decided the best thing to do was to have an open letter of transparency
you can read my why here
but it all boils down to having my big thing & my big why
the big thing
"i help people sell online, so that they can design lives they love to live"
― Matt Lok, the thing i do and share every day
the big why is because i believe..
happy people = happy people
― Matt Lok, the why i do and share every day
that's pretty much it, go check out the other write-up if you're interested to learn more about the 'why'
and why i think i can make a living doing what i love while helping as many people as i can along the way. (the 99% free idea)
but that's it for this week
as always, thank you for reading if you’ve got this far.
i hope you got some little nuggets of ideas that you can take away with you
feel free to share 'your thing' or your 1% every day - i would love to cheer you on
have a great week
As always let me share some dope things that have been happening the past week
1. NSDR (Non Sleep Deep Rest)

i don't know about you, but my head sometimes just can't stop.
i'm always looking for ways in which i can help myself chillout and switch off - but like in a real healthy way.
came across the term NSDR not so long ago and it got me intrigued
basically it's how can you rest - but not actually sleep
as much as doom scrolling on the phone might seem a relaxing activity it still is stimulating the brain
so what other options are there? i've talked a lot about meditation and it's still something i love to do.
but another method that i've done and have been testing out a bit more is breathwork.
before that woo-woo 🚨 goes off in your head (or maybe not?)
breathwork is just a fancy name for breathing in a certain way
there's a tonne of research, science and data out there in how it can help
even the marines use this technique to help calm their nerves
so woo-woo aside the NSDR part is just if you breath a certain way for a bit it can help you rest
sounds pretty cool right?
i downloaded a new app Respira which has a few guided breathing sessions
i've mostly used it to help me calm down the body & mind at night then drift off asleep
it's worth a try if you have an active brain that doesn't switch off easily - that apps free
let me know if you give it go and if it was helpful
2. sharing business sales publically
Amazon sales over the past 6 years
- 106,150 products worldwide
- €1,862,536.97 in revenue
- €289,754.55 in profit
- average profit per sale €2.73
- total products on Amazon = 236,322 pic.twitter.com/7mpOFcxTxA— Matt Lok (@themattlok) December 15, 2023
so i shared the real numbers of 1 of the online businesses i run on X
i'll be honest it still feels uncomfortable but i am happy that i did it.
why? i just want to be as open and as transparent as possible.
it helps me feel like i am being genuine, authentic and truthful online
no matter if you meet me in person, online, family, friend, stranger or my partner my goal is to turn up exactly who i am no matter who or what
a big part of me being able to confidently talk about online sales and lifestyle design
is directly related to my confidence to be able to stand by it
i won't talk about things i am clueless about & i'll happily point you to someone if i think i might know
i'm not a guru, not a life coach, not a multi-millionaire, not a "insert whatever big title".
i'm just me, Matt Lok here's what i do and what i care about.
i'm just here living my life to the best of my abilities.i sell things online & i like to design a life that i love to live
and i'd love to help more people be able to do the same
happy people = happy people
2. finished an ancient Egypt epic

i love ancient civilisations - does that make me a massive nerd?
anyway I've listening to this audiobook before going to sleep for months.
there is something about a lecturer going through the entire history of ancient Egypt that really put me to sleep.
but i finished it finally after months - but i loved it.
if you're a geek for Egyptians like me it could be a nice little listen for you too
i'm pretty sure it's included as part of the audible subscription if you have it already
so you can save you credits and indulge in some sweet sweet stories pharaohs, mummies & pyramids.The History of Ancient Egypt
alright i'll wrap things up there this feels like a big enough already!
wishing you a great week ahead. next week is Christmas?? can you believe it? are you feeling Christmassy yet?
let's chat soon
P.s let's end on some funnies here's Michael McIntyre talking about Christmas dinner 😅 - stay awesome my guys