034: Money Motivation

How you can use money to gain momentum and kickstart a business

Howdy folks,

I’m trying something new this week by splitting the newsletter into 3 parts.

1. 👨‍💻 Modern Entrepreneurship

2. 👨‍🎨 Life Design

The goal is to pack these sections with ideas I think you’ll love & find interesting. No matter if you’re into making money online yourself, you’re looking at ideas to design a life you love living or just want some fun recommendations. There is something in here that I think you’ll find interesting

Let's just get started, shall we?

Tried to think of a funny caption for this photo - but it was crepe 👀

👨‍💻 Modern Entrepreneurship

If you’re anything like me it’s easy to get stuck '“I’ll start that on Monday” mindset.

No matter if it’s a diet, getting in shape, or starting a side business. It’s easier to talk about things than actually take the 1st step. This post was all about the idea of using money as a way to signal interest and to create action and positive momentum.

I don’t know about you but I hate “wasting” money. Therefore if I put money towards something that is where my mind and attention go.

If I buy organic fruit & vegetables my mind will be more likely to think towards eating healthy. Likewise, if I invest in a course, join a paid mastermind group or pay for software. Instead of thinking I’ll do that at some point, I can take the 1st step.

The idea here is to use money as a tool to kickstart positive momentum.

(btw I took my advice and purchased the Beehiiv top-tier plan - I wrote about it here.)

I signed up for Beehiiv’s top-tier plan in order to build up some newsletters from scratch.

What is Beehiiv?

It is a platform to build, publish & grow newsletters. The best one IMHO.

Who would it be useful for?

If you want to grow a personal brand or want to grow an audience for your business. Newsletters like this one are a great way to connect with people directly. I could write a whole post on the benefits of newsletters (which I plan to do soon) but for me, it’s been a great way to get ideas out there and share it with people who are genuinely interested.

What newsletters am I building?
If you know anything about me, you’ll know that I love to geek out about things. I will spend hours - reading, researching, watching reviews & testing out where I can. After all my geeking out Beehiiv came out on top. Convertkit was close 2nd. I even did a massive breakdown where I compared them both. It’s over 2 hours long but you can watch it here.

Long story short?

They’re both incredible platforms to grow a newsletter. Beehiiv edged it out for me in the end though because of the amazing design & value.

Why did I subscribe to this software? I’m on a mission to build 3 brands that I love & care about.

1. Personal Matt Lok brand - ideas around entrepreneurship & life
2. metalabs - helping business professionals grow, sell & make money online
3. Start Designing Life - helping people design lives they love living

I’m mostly building these from the ground up (so you can follow along the journey). But by paying for this subscription it’s a signal to myself that I’m taking this seriously and will put the work into growing these spaces.

Interested in Beehiiv?

I’ve partnered up with them in order to give readers here the best discount. Free to sign up & try their top-tier plan for 30 days here. You can still use their free plan which is up to 2500 subscribers.

If any of these newsletters sound interesting to you feel free to subscribe above - I’ll be giving the best ideas I have & found around selling & marking money online as well as doing in-depth insights from the top minds in life’s biggest areas.

I'm back to writing about the latest news in the business tech world so you can stay in the loop.

I absolutely love geeking out over the latest tech & innovations and this newsletter is for anyone who wants to stay up to date with the latest in Ai, Web3, Crypto, Business & more.

The goal of this newsletter?

I'm here to dig through all the noise and bring you the best bits. Written in a way that we non-techies will hopefully understand.

Who's it for?

Business owners & professionals who want to stay up to date with the latest in tech innovations. I want you to feel confident that you've got an idea of what’s happening as they're happening. Ideas that might spark a new business idea or discussions you can have with workmates during the week.

👨‍🎨 Life Design

1. Documenting losing 15kg in 6 months

I shared some photos & screenshots of my journey with losing weight - which is just part of sharing openly the ups and downs of entrepreneurship and life.

I believe documenting your progress and journey has incredible benefits to keeping yourself accountable while also being able to help inspire other people along the way.

I’m proud of the progress I’ve made and it helps make me feel ‘more like me’ within my own skin - if that makes sense. But the real message I want to get across online is that you can make positive steps towards any area of your life if you design it to work for you.

I’ve shared before about what worked for me. Walking, water, intermittent fasting, organic food etc. I’ve shared all this openly too. But it doesn’t really matter what worked for me, it’s what works for you. Design your health that is based around your own values, schedules & beliefs and you’ll see results.

🔥 Interesting Finds

1. Fallout

I grew up in the wastelands of the Fallout game so whenever I heard they were releasing a TV Series I was both super excited and cautious that they might not do it justice - how many game → movie/series ever turn out to be a success?

After reading some positive reviews my girlfriend & I started watching it and were hooked after the 1st episode. If you’re a fan of the game I’ll say that they do an amazing job at bringing the world to life. The story, world, music, characters and vibe is very on point to the game.

If you’ve never played Fallout before and are not a gamer - I’d say this is still an awesome post-apocalyptic series that most people can get into. My girlfriend is not into these types of series but she loved it as well.

📚 The Book Club

Here's what I've been reading or listening to lately alongside some little nuggets I've picked up through the week.

This was a book recommendation from a high schoolmate (thanks Jennifer!). I love getting book suggestions & I’ve got a bit list of unread audiobooks to get through. But recently I’ve been embracing my introverted nature more so this book felt perfect.

Introverts, in contrast, may have strong social skills and enjoy parties and business meetings, but after a while wish they were home in their pajamas.

Susan Cain

I’m still going through this book and it’s my go-to audiobook to listen to before bed. There’s nothing like a good history book to put you off to sleep. Lately, I’ve been listening to Einstein. I couldn’t tell you half of what I’ve listened to but it’s all about taking your mind away to draft off before bed.

Most star systems in the cosmos are binary (double-starred), which makes our solitary sun a slight oddity.

Bill Bryson

🎵 Music to Vibe too

This week I’ve added a couple of new tracks to the 🔋 Energy | London Rave at 3am playlist. This Kelis - Milkshake remix is an absolute banger that I’ve definitely had on repeat during the week. Feel free to crank the volume up and have a bit of a dance to this one 🕺

Here are all my Spotify Playlists you can Vibe too

🐶 Real or Ai Dog?

Last week I had around 30 people respond on here and across the socials. With about 80% guessing correctly that it was an Ai Doggo!

Maybe I was going too easy on you. This week is going to be more of a challenge. Here are 2 cute doggos can you guess which one is Ai this time?

Can you guess the real and AI dog?

Can you spot the difference?

One of these dogs is AI - but which one do you think it is?

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💌 Reply to this email with a photo of your dog or Ai generation and I'll feature it in a future newsletter.

And that is it for this week's newsletter folks

wishing you a great week ahead as always

let's chat soon


Stay awesome



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