⚫ 045: The 4-Hour Work Week Myth

Is it real or is it all BS?

Ask a digital nomad what got them into this way of living — most will quote you one book.

The 4-Hour Work Week by Tim Ferris

The phrase life-changing gets used a lot but this 1 book gave me a new way to approach life and work. And I know plenty of people who have said the same thing.

Sidenote: Tim Ferris reshared my post about the impact of this book here.

After 8 years of online business, living abroad, and designing life, I want to share my short honest thoughts on this book.

I’ll share the key ideas from the book, which you can start applying today.

This week we’ll get into:

  • The 4-Hour Workweek in a nutshell

  • The Key Ideas from the book

  • Is it real or BS?

  • The biggest idea you can use from the book.

Let's get into it.


I've relocated from Bali → Bangkok this past week. Switching from the laid-back island life to the concrete jungle city life. Why? I'll cover this in the future. But, in short, here's what less than $1000 per month gets you in Bangkok. (Spoiler: luxury lifestyle at a low cost.)

The 4 Hour Work Week

In 2007, Tim Ferriss wrote The 4-Hour Work Week. And with this book — it changed how many people view work and lifestyle design. The core idea? You don't have to wait until retirement to live the life you want. Instead, Ferriss suggested a radical redesign of work life.

This is what he suggested in a nutshell:

  1. Define your ideal lifestyle.

  2. Drop time-wasting activities.

  3. Automate your income streams.

  4. Free yourself from traditional workplace expectations.

Tim introduced pretty revolutionary ideas for the time. Like outsourcing personal tasks and creating automated businesses. He also introduced the concept of “mini-retirements" instead of a long, final retirement (we talked about before here).

3 Key Ideas from the 4-Hour Workweek

  1. Define Your Ideal Lifestyle: Tim says to think about what you want from life. To not follow societal expectations but to define what you want your life to look like.

  2. Eliminate and Automate: Cut out time-wasting activities. Automate as many tasks as you can, at work and in your personal life.

  3. Create Freedom: Free yourself from the 9-to-5 grind. Negotiate remote work or start a hands-off online business.

Is it real or BS?

The idea of working only 4 hours a week sounds too good to be true – and for many, it is. The title is more of a fun concept than a literal goal. Yes, you could design a 4 hour work week but most people aren’t going to do this. But the underlying ideas are solid.

Here are a couple of ideas from the book I’ve personally applied:

  • Cut down the number of work hours required. Start an online business, automate tasks, or hire remote assistants. I'll add AI into the mix now — which can increase productivity.

  • Geographic arbitrage can stretch your income further. If you earn income online you can live in places where your money goes further. (See Bangkok $1000 per month post)

  • Automating income streams can free up your time. Having an e-commerce store allows you to earn 24/7.

A 4-hour workweek may not be realistic for all. But, the book's strategies can help create a more balanced, fulfilling life.

The Key Takeaway: Redesigning Your Life

The real value of The 4-Hour Workweek isn't in a specific number of work hours. It's in realising you can live life differently. The book plants a powerful idea: that you have more control over your work and lifestyle than you might think.

This concept alone can change your life's direction. It makes you question norms, look for ways to optimise, and ultimately find what matters most to you.

My personal take

I don't work 4 hours a week – far from it. But I've taken many elements from this book and applied them to my life as mentioned. Building an online business, remote work, hiring remote employees, systems & automation.

The result? A lifestyle that is more aligned with my personal values and goals. Which took me from a small town in Ireland to this alternative way of work/life (I wrote about the journey here.)

But for you, I hope this sparks some reflection today. As always take the ideas that resonate with you. Discard the rest. Use what you like as a starting point to design your ideal life.

The goal isn't to copy Ferriss's lifestyle or anyone else's. It's to create a life that works for you, whether that means working 4 hours a week, 40, or something in between. The power lies in knowing you have options and have the full freedom and opportunity to do so.

Some questions to think about today.

  • Is there an area of your work you could automate or outsource?

  • what does your ideal day look like?

  • if you could only work 4 hours in a week what would you do?

Hope it gives you some food for thought today — feel free to share them with me.

🎁 Members Freebie: Images for Newsletter

A bit niche here — but did you know there are image types you shouldn’t use for email?

I geeked out a bit and did a deep dive here which covers which type you should use —JPEG, PNG, WebP etc. You can learn about which one to use and when here.

🔥 Interesting Finds: Text-Behind-Image

Found this free tool which allows you to create cool text behind image effects. Built by a 16 y/o from Hong Kong — great to see!

📚 The Book Club

Here's what I've been reading or listening to lately.

🎵 Music to Vibe too

This track of the week will melt in your ears like butter

Come join the listening party with one of my curated Spotify playlists

🏝️ Lifestyle Entrepreneur AI Images

Imagining city skylines from cozy apartment at night.

💌 Reply to this email with your a Lifestyle Entrepreneur image or drop a suggestion of what would inspire you (feel free to include cute dogs)

And that is it for this week's newsletter. Wishing you a great week ahead as always

Let's catch up soon


Stay awesome



If you’ve been inspired by the 4-hour work week you can submit your story to Tim here. I shared mine — who knows maybe you’ll be in the next book :)

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